Monday, 16 June 2014

The Life of a Student Animator - final film

Since university is over for me, this will be the end of this blog. I will now move back to and make that my home once again! So to finish off, here is the final product of everything this blog was for. :)

This was predominantly a character animation project, so the modelling, lighting etc. is minimal as I did not want that to consume my effort. The rig is 'Bonnie' by Josh Sobel. Full credits are on the Vimeo page.

I will always see things I would love to improve, but I will save that energy for whatever comes my way next. I learned so much from putting an animation like this together by myself and I now feel much better equipped to handle future projects. All that is left is to put my presence out there so that someone will consider me for a job!

Caitlin :)