
As part of my research for this project I conducted a survey to see if the ideas in my animation (please read the 'about' page above if you don't know what my project is about) are actually based on anyone's point of view! I also wanted to see what people thought of animated films in general, and about observational comedy, since this is the style I am going for.

Note: some people did not answer all questions, and there were questions where multiple answers were acceptable, so this is why the numbers may not always add up.

Though most of the participants were aged 18-24, I did still get a few results from people outside that age group. Of these people there was also a mixture of animators (7) and non-animators (22), which was what I had hoped for.

Nobody said they did not like any kind of film that used some kind of animation (which is good!).

Most people either love or like observational comedy. It is a popular format for animated pieces and live-action alike. This is great because my animation is just one big piece of observational comedy!

I also used Wordle to generate 'word clouds' from some written answers. These show the words that were used most frequently, with the most frequently used words appearing in a larger font size than those used less frequently.

Here are some popular words from the question, What are your impressions of animators?

They think we're people, thank goodness...! Some of these words don't entirely make sense in a word cloud because people will generally use them as part of a sentence more than a standalone, descriptive word (like I just did). However the results are still interesting.

What are your impressions of an animator's daily life?

I'm pleased to know people think we actually do work! Generating these detailed responses was really helpful, as it showed that the ideas and themes in my piece are not just things that I think are true, as other people have the same impressions and ideas about animators and what they do. This means that my animation is more likely to appeal to a wider audience, as my survey shows that you don't have to be an animator to understand what one might go through while working.

I genuinely enjoyed carrying out this survey, not only because it was helpful but also because it was very interesting to read through all the diverse responses.

If you want to take a look at the full spreadsheet of responses for yourself, you can find it here.

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